If you are looking for a straightforward, easy approach to making your digital signage environment work for you, we can make that happen!

Re-organize your ice rink scheduling approach – take your scheduling to a new level with our digital scheduling solutions. Ice rink users are stored in the network system, with easy online accessibility, eliminating re-entry. Teams, clubs, and officials can easily identify their ice time, and what room they are assigned. No more white boards! Public use times, flooding, and other fixed scheduling tasks can be set to reoccur automatically within the digital scheduling system. Plus, improve attendance to local events by advertising in digital style alongside your digital scheduling display. Or outsource the advertising space and use MediaTrends digital scheduling solutions to bring in income.
Revolutionize your swimming pool scheduling methods. Alleviate your swimming pool scheduling difficulties with our swimming pool scheduling solutions. Set public, lesson and athletic swim times as a reoccurring task and save time and organize swimming events with ease – all displayed digitally for patrons to access effortlessly. Also, advertise upcoming events at your swimming pool, or allow others to use the advertising space and see your return on investment quickly.
Display track and field schedules with MediaTrends straightforward scheduling system solutions. Scheduling teams, individual competitors and events is easy for your track and field venue with your customizable scheduling system. Retain client records in the scheduling system and keep your administration to a minimum. Update standings as teams and individuals advance throughout the day on your digital scheduling display board plus offer participants real time weather updates.
Display scheduling needs of professionals in expert form. Clean, clear, and concise information is displayed on your hotel conference room scheduling system, so attendees are easily directed to where they need to be. Allow your front desk staff to focus on other duties by keeping unnecessary interruptions from misdirected event associates at a low. Enjoy a scheduling solution that is not generic, but rather customized to suit your hotels scheduling needs. And MediaTrends digital scheduling solution allows you to increase revenue by offering outside businesses advertising space.
Introduce digital advertising into your institute and introduce additional revenue to your facility. Use MediaTrends digital media boards to help merchants in your area increase branding by providing a fresh way for them to communicate to their audience. Replace traditional signage methods with digital advertising for your own advertising needs and save time and expense necessary for production and distribution. Use our digital media solutions to bring your advertising to life for sports, fundraising, and extracurricular activities and events and provide a fresh and captivating experience for potential participants.
Provide an outlet for the merchandise that you carry to brand their product and increase your store’s revenue in two ways: benefit from increased sales on advertised products, and, receive income when you supply this digital media space with MediaTrends digital advertising and media solutions. Digitally advertising upcoming sales and specials on the products you carry also provides increased awareness to your consumers, improving your customer service. Place digital advertising boards in opportune locations throughout your store where visibility and traffic is high and capitalize on your marketing strategy
Replace white or chalk boards at your front entrance by digitally displaying your daily specials with enticing images through digital media solutions from MediaTrends. Inform your patrons with weekly drink and food specials that compliment your establishment. Place digital advertising boards at your front entrance to keep patrons entertained while they are waiting to be seated, all the while portraying digital advertising messages that enhance your marketing strategy.
Use MediaTrends digital signage solutions to provide your customers with up-to-date information on sales within your store and reduce the need for paper flyers. Manage in store promotions with digital advertising solutions that educate your current consumers on services such as delivery and deli or bakery specialty services. Offer a digital signage solution to community members that regularly post on your bulletin board and liven up their messages with captivating digital media while acquiring additional income for your store.
Include this digital signage in your employee lunchroom or lounge as a communicative and educative tool. Studies show that there is a 30% increase in brain retention when information is provided in digital format. Use our digital signage to reinforce safety practices, or as a motivation tool. Post employee notices and eliminate the need for paper posters